Hello! Why do some say completed and others read PAID, I am not understanding the difference. Is there something I need to do?
Hi Katrina By default, there are four order status: Abandoned, Submitted, Completed, Trash. You cannot rename the default status, but you can choose to hide a default status.
When you enable automated as well as manual payments in your form, the default order status will include Abandoned, Submitted, Paid, Completed, Trash.
Abandoned orders
If a user starts filling the form, but does not submit it, it will be displayed in the Abandoned status. These orders will be displayed only in the Neartail Orders page and it will not be included in Reports. Abandoned orders will have * prefixed to the order number in the Neartail Orders page.
Submitted orders
When the user chooses the automated payment option and submits the form, the order will be displayed under the Paid status. When the user chooses the manual payment option and submits the form, the order will be displayed under the submitted status. Once you verify the payment and update the payment status, it will be moved to the Paid status. These submitted orders will be recorded in Neartail and Google Forms. You can sync Google Forms responses to Google Sheets. Submitted orders will have # prefixed to the order number in the Neartail Orders page. The order numbers should be in sequential order.
Trash orders
You can move redundant orders to Trash. Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders > In the Orders page, you can drag and drop (place the cursor on the profile image/default icon to drag) orders to the Trash status or click on an order to view the details, select the Trash status from the dropdown list for the Move to option and click Submit.
Delete orders
The orders in Abandoned and Trash status will not be included in the Neartail Reports. You can enable the Privacy option to delete the orders in Trash status permanently.
Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders> In the Orders page, click on the three dots next to the Abandoned or Trash status > You can enable or disable the privacy settings. When enabled, the orders in Abandoned and Trash status will be automatically deleted after 7 days. Please note that the Abandoned status will be hidden when the Privacy option is enabled.