Miss and Mr. MKDB University

The Miss and Mr. MKDB University Contest

Voter Registration Form

  • Voting Ends- September 5, 2024

  • Contest Results -September 8, 2024

MKDB University!

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, at Hunt's Park, MKDB will present its inaugural Field Show, MKDB University! This event marks the first time MKDB has produced a show on a football field. The performance will feature a blend of football, cheerleading, kick line, stand dances, and various acts themed around the university football experience.

This special game-time event showcases the award-winning MKDB Arkansas Company along with local leaders and city flag football stars. And you are a key part of the experience! Your participation determines who gets to wear the MKDB University crowns!

The Miss and Mr. MKDB University Contest

Your Vote=Your Support

Voting demonstrates your support for your preferred MKDB Company Member, their competition experience in Season 14, and their dance education.

  • Place Your Votes By September 5, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

  • You may vote as many times as you desire.

  • You may vote for more than one company member.

  • You may vote for multiple titles.

  • $1.00= 1 Vote

  • The outcomes of your support will be announced at the MKDB University Field Show on September 8, 2024.

This contest serves as a fundraiser to cover registration fees for the MKDB Season Fourteen Competition and to assist with the tuition for your favorite company member.

You may vote for multiple titles.