Unstoppable Course Evaluation


Unstoppable Course Evaluation

Thank you for submitting your feedback on the original Unstoppable course. Your insights will significantly contribute to developing and marketing the next iteration of Unstoppable. 

Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent
Level of effort you put into the course
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent
Level of skill/knowledge at start of course
Level of skill/knowledge at end of course
Level of skill/knowledge required to complete the course
Contribution of course to your skill/knowledge
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Instructor was an effective lecturer/demonstrator
Presentations were clear and organized
Instructor stimulated student interest
Instructor effectively used time during class periods
Instructor was available and helpful
Grading was prompt and had useful feedback
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Learning objectives were clear
Course content was organized and well planned
Course workload was appropriate
Course organized to allow all students to participate fully
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