This Week @ Auburn Content Submission


This Week @ Auburn Content Submission

Thanks for submitting your content idea to This Week at Auburn – an email digest of student announcements and information. While your submission doesn't guarantee publication, we welcome and consider all ideas. If your submission is related to an event, please use

Summarize your submission in a few words.
Provide a one or two-sentence summary of the content to grab the reader's attention.
Please keep your content to two or three paragraphs.
Follow the 3Cs:
Be Clear. Don’t assume folks know what you know. What are the key messages you want your audience to hear and understand?
Be Concise. Keep it short, simple and to the point. We recommend no more than two or three paragraphs.
Be Consistent. Say things the same way throughout your post and don't be afraid to repeat your key messages. Make sure you use correct grammar and check spelling.

Accepted file types: JPG, PNG. Photo size must be 1280x720.

If this is redirecting to an established website, please provide link.