Northern Hockey School: Smithers 2024

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Northern Hockey School: Smithers 2024

Welcome to the Northern Hockey School! We are looking forward to welcoming you and your family to the annual Northern Hockey School. First, please take a moment to fill out the registration form. Once the registration form has been received and processed, a confirmation email will be sent to notify you if your player has a spot in the camp or if they will be placed on the waitlist.

If you are interested in registering more than one child, please fill out one form per child.

Please contact us at or 250-877-9498 if you have any questions.
The collected customer registration data are kept strictly confidential. Only fully completed forms are accepted.


All genders are encouraged and welcome to join all Northern Hockey School Camps.

Please reach out with any questions surrounding programming to either or at (250) 877-9498 through text or call.

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