2023 Presidential Maritime Agenda


2023 Presidential Maritime Agenda

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you in advance for participating in this questionnaire and for supporting the Maritime Network Group efforts despite your busy time and other work engagement.
The aim and importance of the questionnaire?

The aim of the questionnaire is to develop and present an agenda that will form the fulcrum of the incoming President’s engagement with the multi-sectoral interests that constitute Nigeria’s Maritime Industry. On this basis, results contribute to the Presidential agenda toward development of the maritime sector in Nigeria. Furthermore, the research team will translate the final report for the use of the general public as a decision support tool.

Who can participate in this survey?

I sincerely invite those who work in Top management, Middle management, line manager in maritime industry, Government port managing companies, or within port/terminal operator, to answer this questionnaire. It is preferable that the respondents’ responsibility (main work) is relevant to port environment and air emission reduction (i.e., Port manager, Terminal manager, Port/terminal operation manager, Safety/environment manager or officer, Energy manager or officer, Harbour master). Please note that each answer for this survey reflects the situation of one port including its terminals (not all the country ports), or one terminal by its own.

How long does this survey questionnaire take?

This questionnaire takes 5-10. It has two short sections (A &B) to assess readiness for National Election and Prioritisation of the maritime sector in Nigeria. The total number of questions is 14.
All information with regard to the confidentiality of your information can be found on the 'consent form' on the next page.