MSc_dalykų_Advisors_ form

MSc_dalykų_Advisors_ form

WE KINDLY ASK YOU CRITICALLY EVALUATE THE QUALITY OF THE THESIS. The Study Committee will base its screening solely on your and on the reviewer’s evaluations. A student receiving a positive evaluation by the reviewer and the advisor is expected to succeed in the thesis defense.

By completing this form, please evaluate the Bachelor thesis content and compliance with the content requirements according to each criterion and calculate the final grade. The bachelor thesis advisor’s evaluation of the thesis content accounts for 25% of the final grade.

Assessment criteria:

• The thesis topic is relevant.

• The central research question is defined.

• The thesis goal and objectives are clear.

Weight of criteria, % - 5

Assessment criteria:

• The thesis provides a critical overview of the literature stating the current situation with respect to relevant theories and theoretical concepts in the research field.

• The research problem is clearly defined and related to the literature review.

Weight of criteria, % - 25

Assessment criteria:

  • The research design is clearly presented and it relates to the material covered in the Literature Review.

  • Hypotheses (if applicable) are formulated correctly.

  • Selected research methods fit the defined research design.

  • Ethical, internal, and external validity considerations are discussed.

Weight of criteria, % - 15

Assessment criteria:

  • The thesis provides a coherent, understandable and correct overview of research results.

  • The formulated research problem is addressed clearly and systematically, based on rigorous analysis and not speculations.

Weight of criteria, % - 25

Assessment criteria:

  • Engages in critical discussion and evaluation of empirical research results within the established theoretical framework.

  • Derives well-reasoned conclusions based on a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

  • Offers valuable recommendations for future research.

Weight of criteria, % - 15

Assessment criteria:

  • The thesis is readable and uses adequate language to address both scientific and practical issues.

  • The rules of style, grammar and spelling are applied appropriately.

  • The APA style formatting and referencing rules are applied professionally in the thesis.

Weight of criteria, % - 15


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