

Here is a set of 25 questions to access your status regarding heat management at your industrial facility . 

All it takes is 5 minutes but it is enough for you and us to access the status & share our recommendations. 

Total marks are 100 and the result should be assessed as follows :
25-50     : Status quo , no attempt on ventilation done , urgent need for improvements .
50-75   : Some attempt but on need based basis , unable to improve the situation , more improvements needed 
75-100 : On track towards resolving the situation holistically with good result expected with external engagement. 

In the end, 
1) check the total score & co-relate with the status accordingly. 
2) Should you feel the need for a site visit & further discussions , you may fill in the form through the link given
3) Should you feel to connect personally , you may call us on (M) 9810685715

About us :
FIVE STAR TECHNOLOGIES helps industries to efficiently manage their three resources - LIGHT I AIR I ENERGY . In partnership with leading manufacturers of the country , we provide customized solutions to deliver maximum value to our customers . For more information , please visit - www.fstindia.in