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Instructions: Please read each statement carefully and choose the response on the scale that best represents your agreement or disagreement. Assigned numerical values are based on the following: Not at all: 1 Rarely: 2 Occasionally: 3 Often: 4 Always: 5.

At the end of each section type in your total score. The assessment analysis key will be discussed with you afterward.

Section 1: Self-Awareness

Understanding My Emotions: Recognizing and comprehending one's own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses.

Section 2: Emotional Regulation

Managing My Emotions: Effectively controlling and navigating emotional responses in various situations.

Section 3: Empathy and Social Skills

Understanding Others: Navigating social interactions with empathy and effective communication.

Section 4: Relationships and Communication

Building Healthy Connections: Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with effective communication.

Section 5: General Well-being 

Balancing My Life: Prioritizing mental and emotional well-being in everyday life.