The Anime Awards

See a Masterpiece

The Anime Awards is an annual event in the Parallel Universe that crowns the best masterpieces each year. We pick the best anime by season, by genre, by character, and also Anime of the Year.

How do we choose?

We choose not based on personal taste, but the taste of various people in the world. We ask questions and submit choices on various anime forum websites. We also take into consideration the reasons, ratting, and how others see it so that our choices are right for everyone. An anime that may be ranked number one on a website is not necessarily chosen to be "Anime of the Year", we consider various aspects to make sure the anime we choose is truly the masterpiece of that year. You will see a true masterpiece every year. The anime that bears the name "Anime of the Year" is the best anime among others that year.

We always apologize if the results do not meet your expectations. There's nothing wrong with your taste, nothing wrong with what you like, nothing wrong with what you think. Stick to what you love then make your own "Anime of the Year" and share it proudly!

How can you vote for your favorite anime?

Support the anime you love by pressing the "Start" button in the top right corner of the website or go to the very bottom of the main page.