Membership Renewal Form Walhalla Chapter NSDAR 2023 - 2024

Please read this section carefully before proceeding.

This form is for online payments only.   It functions like a shopping cart in on-line shopping and is hosted by NearTail.  Once you submit your order, you will be taken directly to the Walhalla Chapter NSDAR PayPal site.  Laura Smith, Treasurer, has established our chapter as a verified non-profit with PayPal. 

From $10.00

This section acts like a shopping cart in on-line shopping. You should choose 1 membership renewal option. Voluntary contributions are appreciated and support our chapter projects and community donations.

Chapter member renewals of $80 include $45 national dues, $10 state dues, and $25 chapter dues.

Membership Renewal

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Please review your response before submitting it for processing.


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