RTO7’s offer of the Partnership Program for 2025/26 is contingent upon the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Gaming's approval of RTO7’s 2025/26 Business Plan.
If you are unfamiliar with the Partnership Program and applications, I highly recommend calling (Alex 705-441-2931 (ahogan@rto7.ca) to first talk through your proposed project and/or completing the application, as the process is greatly simplified with some direct explanation prior to completion of the application. RTO7 reserves the right to limit the number of programs/funds that one stakeholder may receive per year.
Please review the Partnership Program Guidelines for important background information before completing this application - once opened in Downloads, the links within the Guidelines should open in a new window in your browser when clicked on.
We highly recommend that you log into a Google account (directions in link) to access this form and know that your progress is automatically saved as a draft for 30 days so you can return to it. Please see our blog on why you should create a Google Account for your Business.
If you choose not to do this or to work offline, you will need to complete and submit the form all in one sitting and be sure to save a copy of your submitted application. If you choose not to log into a Google account, contact us to discuss how best to submit your application.
Note: We want to encourage stakeholders starting on a journey towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. Sustainability isn’t a requirement to get funding for 2025/26. However, projects that show they’re working to include or improve sustainable practices—using clear and measurable plans—may be prioritized in the application review process. The Partnership Program application process is competitive, and many people apply for the available funds. We welcome applications from all eligible businesses and organizations. No matter where you are in your sustainability efforts, we’re here to guide you through the process.
Storytelling Collaboration Details
● This category of Partnership provides opportunities for partners to tell their respective individual and community stories and to encourage travel throughout the area
● An important aspect to this program is that the Partner has also considered the distribution of the story once it is complete (how will it be shared as broadly as possible)
● Private tourism businesses, DMOs (Destination Marketing Organizations), Tourism Organizations, Municipalities and Tourism Associations/Interest groups are eligible partners for storytelling partnerships
● Partners to suggest appropriate writer(s); if partner does not have an appropriate writer recommendation, we will work together to find one
● RTO7 and the Partner will jointly vet current work samples from qualified writers that are familiar with the product/experience and the locale the story pertains to and/or have a following that aligns with the demographic the Partner is seeking to attract
● Successful writers will contract directly with RTO7
● To ensure timely and constructive execution of the planning and actioning of the project, the person named below as the Project Rep will act as the decision maker and liaison with RTO7 and the storyteller
● Once the project is approved, all communications regarding the project MUST be conducted in Basecamp (provided by RTO7)
● Resulting ‘stories’ will be used by the Partner, RTO7, and the Storyteller and may be made available to Destination Ontario and MTCG as well for print publications, web applications and other digital advertising
● Stories may take many forms (articles, blog posts, Instagram and Facebook posts, etc.)
● Both writer and Partner will be expected to report on their respective performance measurements (sample metrics outlined in application) as part of final project report
● Budget is intended to cover creative output (stories, images, etc.) and is not intended for travel, accommodation and/or incidentals (which the partner will be responsible for separately). Images from current or previous projects may be made available to accompany stories
● $1 partner funds matched by $1 partnership funds, (to a combined maximum of $10,000 per project), e.g. $1,000 leverages to $2,000
● Minimum $500 investment from the partner (can be a single tourism entity or a tourism group/DMO/tourism organization); maximum $5,000
The red asterisks below indicate required fields.
Allow at least 6 weeks from project application to anticipated story delivery.
Are there any special circumstances or deadlines we need to be aware of? Note that all projects must be completed prior to March 31, 2026.
This should be 1/2 of the total project cost (including tax)
You will need to send RTO7 this amount in the form of EFT, e-transfer or cheque
The minimum partner contribution for this program is $500; the maximum is $5,000 (including tax)
Partner will provide initial direction (in form of an outline) to the writer addressing the desired story/theme/concept to be covered.
Please keep in mind that although this is an awareness campaign, revenue generation by tourism operators is of key importance and should therefore be considered in what you are promoting to your target audience e.g. we are more likely to approve/promote activities that are associated with businesses that stand to benefit e.g. a tour guide, an outfitter, etc. than simply beautiful vistas or free hiking trails.
What is the specific message(s) that will be communicated through the story?
How will the story relate to/promote sustainability (economic, social or environmental) - consider things like incorporating plan ahead/book ahead messaging, profiling active transportation or accessibility, field to table food, promoting responsible tourism, reaching underrepresented groups, how the chosen storyteller aligns with an audience interested in sustainability, etc.