RTO7’s offer of the Partnership Program for 2025/26 is contingent upon the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Gaming's approval of RTO7’s 2025/26 Business Plan.
If you are unfamiliar with the Partnership Program and applications, I highly recommend calling (Alex 705-441-2931 (ahogan@rto7.ca) to first talk through your proposed project and/or completing the application, as the process is greatly simplified with some direct explanation prior to completion of the application. RTO7 reserves the right to limit the number of programs/funds that one stakeholder may receive per year.
Please download the Partnership Program Guidelines for important background information before completing this application - once opened in Downloads, the links within the Guidelines should open in a new window in your browser when clicked on.
We highly recommend that you log into a Google account (directions in link) to access this form and know that your progress is automatically saved as a draft for 30 days so you can return to it. Please see our blog on why you should create a Google Account for your Business.
If you choose not to do this or to work offline, you will need to complete and submit the form all in one sitting and be sure to save a copy of your submitted application. If you choose not to log into a Google account, contact us to discuss how best to submit your application.
Note: We want to encourage stakeholders starting on a journey towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. Sustainability isn’t a requirement to get funding for 2025/26. However, projects that show they’re working to include or improve sustainable practices—using clear and measurable plans—may be prioritized in the application review process. The Partnership Program application process is competitive, and many people apply for the available funds. We welcome applications from all eligible businesses and organizations. No matter where you are in your sustainability efforts, we’re here to guide you through the process.
Tourism Wayfinding Signage Collaboration Details
● Tourism Wayfinding, Trails and Cycling Signage as per the RTO7 Wayfinding Signage Standards and Specifications Manual (June 2021 version)
● You will be required to adhere consistently to the RTO7 specifications document unless conducting Adjunct Signage (below)
● Note that signage projects are most often undertaken by Municipalities or Counties (or by Conservation Authorities or Recreational Organizations) and funding does not apply to any other types/formats of signage or electronic signage. Development of signage plans is only eligible for those implementing the RTO7 signage system.
● This stream includes Adjunct Signage systems, i.e. elements of tourism wayfinding and trails signage that the RTO7 Signage specifications do not address, and that are
Provincially recognized and executed in multiple Ontario Tourism Regions.
In support of RTO7’s targeted activities.
Long-lasting and durable in construction (RTO7 reserves the right - at applicant's cost - to have an expert review the fabrication specifications to ensure they meet a minimum standard).
An appropriate design for the use e.g. if on roadways, legible at driving speed, etc.
Installed as per governmental regulations relevant to the installation. RTO7 does not assume any responsibility for the design, fabrication and installation of the signage.
Examples of this might include some Bruce Trail signage, Conservation Area signage, Great Lakes Waterfront Trail signage, etc. Contact us for consideration if you think your system may be eligible. TODS Provincial highway wayfinding signage is not eligible. Purchase of posts (U Channel or wooden as outlined in the RTO7 specs) recommended for these adjunct signs are eligible.
● Note that the RTO7 Wayfinding Specifications are NOT camera-ready artwork and that the Partner will be responsible for costs associated with developing this. You may be required to share some of your camera-ready artwork with RTO7 (for the purposes of developing a database of editable signage templates to assist stakeholders in future).
● You will share sign proofs early in the process with RTO7 to confirm sign specifications are being met
● The Partner owns the signs and is responsible for future maintenance, content changes, replacement, etc.
● To ensure timely and constructive execution of the planning and actioning of the project please select one representative only to act as the decision maker and liaison with RTO7 and the signage supplier
● Future funding of partners will in part be determined by timely completion of signage projects
● $1 partner funds are matched by $1 partnership funds, e.g. if you contribute $10,000 you'll end up with a project of $20,000 (including tax)
● Partner minimum contribution is $5,000, to a maximum partner contribution of $75,000 (including tax)
The red asterisks below indicate required fields.
Allow at least 6 months (preferably 12 months) from project start (if approved) to signs installed.
This should be 1/2 of the total project cost (including tax)
You will need to send RTO7 this amount in the form of EFT, e-transfer or cheque
The minimum partner contribution for this program is $5,000; the maximum is $75,000 (including tax)
Please provide the Partner Contribution breakdown ($ including HST) for the following elements of your project (as applicable):
Signage Plan (conducted by qualified third party) ($):
Sign Fabrication (by March 31, 2026) ($):
Installation (may occur no later than June 30, 2026; note that installation by the partner is an ineligible cost as prescribed by the Ministry) ($):
Total Partner Contribution ($) - this should match the Partner Funding Contribution field above