This form must be used without exception by all PDRA MEMBER’S guests to PDRA owned properties.
Failure to abide by the PDRA Rules and Regulations may result in fines and disciplinary action
As a condition of my acceptance for membership in the Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc., and/or my use of Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc. property. I subscribe, accept and acknowledge the following statement of understanding: INHERENT HAZARDS: There are hazards in skin and scuba diving, as in all activities on or near the water, some of those hazards include, but are not limited to, drowning and air embolism and/or death. I hereby affirm that I am aware of and understand the inherent hazards of skin and scuba diving. I am adequately prepared to dive in the rock quarries owned or leased by the Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc. I am aware that I must abide by safe diving practices. At no time will I dive under the influence of alcohol or drugs or with questionable equipment or conduct any dive without (1) a buoyancy control device, (2) a submersible pressure gauge, (3) an alternate air source as a permanent and functioning part of my scuba equipment and (4) a certified buddy or dive partner. I will always have a means to monitor depth and time underwater and will make all my dives no decompression dives and will limit my maximum depth to my level of training and experience. I understand scuba diving is dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. My personal safety is my responsibility, not others’ responsibility. My certification card reflects that I have received training in scuba diving; and should I neglect to maintain my skills in scuba, I know that I should seek adequate refresher instruction to bring my skills to a level that will prepare me for safe scuba diving. I will exercise reasonable care in scuba diving, the selection of my equipment, the use of that equipment and the maintenance of that equipment. I confirm that I have been properly trained and certified to the level indicated on my certification card and same is presently current. I understand and agree that the Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, its’ officers, agents, members, or affiliated clubs shall not be held liable in any way for any occurrence in connection with my future scuba or skin diving, which may result in injury, death, or other damages to me, my family, heirs, executors, administrators and/or assigns, as evidence by my signature affixed hereto, and in consideration of which I am being allowed membership in the Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc., and/or the use of Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc., property as the guest of a member. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith, whether foreseen or unforeseen, and I agree to save, indemnify and hold harmless said above parties from any claim by me, my family, heirs, executors, administrators and/or assigns, arising out of my participation in scuba diving or skin diving. I warrant that I am of lawful age and legally competent to sign this statement of understanding, or that my parent or legal guardian understands and agrees to all terms contained herein, as evidence by my parent’s or guardian’s signature; that I understand the terms herein are contractual and not a mere recital; and that I have signed this document as my own free act and upon my own volition. It is my intention as a member or as a guest of a member of the Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc., by this instrument, to exempt and release the above listed corporation, its’ officers, agents, members, and affiliated clubs from any and all liability whatsoever for personal injury, property damage and/or wrongful death, arising from my membership in the Piedmont Diving and Rescue Association, Inc. and/or use of PDRA’s facilities. I have fully read and understand the contents of this statement of understanding and acknowledge and same.