About the PCSAO Conference
PCSAO is now accepting workshop presenter applications for the 2025 PCSAO Annual Conference. This year will be PCSAO's 40th annual conference, and we are excited to celebrate past accomplishments while looking ahead to the future.
This 3-day event draws more than 500 child protection professionals from around Ohio and will take place Oct. 1-3 at the Hilton Columbus at Easton. This conference is attended by children services caseworkers, supervisors, administrators, counselors/clinicians, attorneys, and child advocates.
Workshop presenters at the PCSAO conference are volunteers, and we offer free registration to presenters on the day they present.
Workshop Considerations
PCSAO is seeking unique workshops 1-3 hours in length that can be offered for social work/counselor CEUs and/or CLEs. Special consideration will be given to applications that include the following:
Creative audience engagement strategies
Lived experience/family voice
Presenters with unique and diverse backgrounds
Presenters with experience working with marginalized populations
Presenters who work at a county public children services agency
Trainings with clearly defined target audiences
Advanced level trainings
Evidence-based and unique content that is not easily found elsewhere
Focus on ethics, supervision, effective practice, and/or prevention
Completing the Application
Preview the application here: https://www.pcsao.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/PREVIEW-2025-PCSAO-Conference-Presenter-Application.pdf
Please have all required information prepared before starting the application. This form will NOT save your progress if closed out before submission. To complete this application, you will need the following: Names, contact info, bios, and resumes of all presenters. Workshop title, description, length, intended audience, timed agenda, training method, and learning objectives.
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025. Applicants will be notified of final workshop selections by the end of May. Please contact anne@pcsao.org with any questions.