Schools are only able to authorise absences for specific reasons (listed below) and otherwise only exceptionally. New government guidance is very clear and supports the importance we place on excellent attendance.
Unless for an exceptional reason, it is necessary for approval to be obtained for a student’s absence from school before it commences, otherwise the absence will be regarded as unauthorised and included on your daughter’s/son’s annual report and for other official purposes, e.g. returns to the Department for Education.
At DGGS we are following the new national government guidance to ensure high levels of attendance for all students - please see pages 47-60 of the "Working Together to Improve School Attendance"
here. This may include one or more of the following actions in situations where student attendance is a concern, and/or where there is unauthorised absence.
- a Parenting Order
- an Education Supervision Order
- a School Attendance Order
- a fine (sometimes known as a ‘penalty notice')
The parent/carer is requested to complete this form at least two weeks (unless seeking compassionate leave) before the proposed period of absence.
Please note, for any appointments, eg medical, an appointment card (or confirmation email/text) giving the date, time and length of the appointment and address of the surgery etc is needed, in order to consider authorisation.