Use the form below to email the House Elections Committee members and urge them to Vote No on these unnecessary voting restrictions!
SB208, as amended, would ban all remote ballot boxes in the state of Kansas. Voting by dropping your ballot off at a remote ballot drop box is secure, and research shows that there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.
SB209 would abolish the current 3-day voter protection/grace period for returning mail ballots. Due to no fault of their own, thousands of Kansans' eligible votes would be thrown for no reason. Please urge lawmakers to ensure that ever vote is counted and every voice is heard by voting NO on SB 209. The House Elections Committee is voting on SB 209 tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14th.
Both bills have received hearings in the House Elections Committee. The committee will be voting on SB209 tomorrow (3/14/23) and expected to take action on SB208 later this week. If these bills are voted out of committee they will head to the House floor where final action will be taken. If passed, they will end up on the governor's desk to be vetoed or signed into law.
Please submit only one form per person.
- Remember to be respectful when addressing the committee.
- Do not use your browser's back button. Use form navigation buttons at the bottom of the page.