United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County RFP 2024-2026
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County 2024-2026 Request for Proposal
***Notice*** The application will auto-save your work for a maximum of three (3) hours. If you plan to complete this form in more than one session, please copy all answers to an external document to ensure you do not lose any work. If your data is missing and you did not make a copy of your entries, contact cgore@unitedwaydpc.org to request the copy we may have on file.
The United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County (UWDPC) is now accepting applications for the 2024–2026 (2 year) funding cycle from local human services, nonprofit organizations serving Danville and/or Pittsylvania County.
View Full RFP
completing the application on-line, you are able to exit and return to the application using the
link from the same computer. Once complete select "submit" your application.
Agency Eligibility and Required Documents
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County invests in high performing programs that provide services aligning with our Funding Priorities. All UWDPC funds are unrestricted and may be used for programmatic/project related costs and/or operational costs.
Complete Cover Page for Agency's Director's signature
Cover Page for Signature
Funding decisions will be made based on a program’s ability to impact one or more Desired Outcomes under our four program Impact Areas and Funding Priorities.
Addendum I
These areas are a roadmap for addressing critical health and human service challenges facing our community.
Funding allocations will be determined annually by the UWDPC Board of Directors based on funds available from the annual campaign. Second year funding is contingent upon successful demonstratable achievement of each agency’s proposed outcomes. Agencies selected for funding will be notified by April 1 of each year as to their exact allocation amount.
Scoring Criteria
Addendum II
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County may elect not to fund or may discontinue funding to any agency with known management, fiscal, reporting, program, or other problems that make it unlikely that they would be able to provide effective services.
This is a competitive on-line application process.
All on-line applications are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 18, 2024. No late proposals or paper copy will be accepted.
Funding Allocation
– Successful applicants will receive UWDPC funding for a 2-year period without reapplying. The amount of funds allocated annually will be based upon the annual campaign. The same formula used to determine year one funding will be applied to determine second year funding.
Reporting on UWDPC outcomes in January 2025 will be required in order to receive second year funding.
Funding is affected by campaign revenue and ability to impact program outcomes.
First year funding decisions will be made at the UWDPC’s March 2024 Board Meeting. Successful proposals
will begin receiving funds the first week of April 2024.
If you have questions about how to complete the RFP, contact Jennifer Smith at
. For on-line application processing questions, contact Bernice Gammon at
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County 2024-2026 Request for Proposal
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