Experience Development 2025/26 Application

RTO7’s offer of the Partnership Program for 2025/26 is contingent upon the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Gaming's approval of RTO7’s 2025/26 Business Plan.

If you are unfamiliar with the Partnership Program and applications, I highly recommend calling (Alex 705-441-2931 (ahogan@rto7.ca) to first talk through your proposed project and/or completing the application, as the process is greatly simplified with some direct explanation prior to completion of the application. RTO7 reserves the right to limit the number of programs/funds that one stakeholder may receive per year.

Please review the Partnership Program Guidelines  for important background information before completing this application - once opened in Downloads, the links within the Guidelines should open in a new window in your browser when clicked on.

We highly recommend that you log into a Google account (directions in link) to access this form and know that your progress is automatically saved as a draft for 30 days so you can return to it. Please see our blog on why you should create a Google Account for your Business.

If you choose not to do this or to work offline, you will need to complete and submit the form all in one sitting and be sure to save a copy of your submitted application. If you choose not to log into a Google account, contact us to discuss how best to submit your application.

Note: We want to encourage stakeholders starting on a journey towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. Sustainability isn’t a requirement to get funding for 2025/26. However, projects that show they’re working to include or improve sustainable practices—using clear and measurable plans—may be prioritized in the application review process. The Partnership Program application process is competitive, and many people apply for the available funds. We welcome applications from all eligible businesses and organizations. No matter where you are in your sustainability efforts, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Experience Development Collaboration Details

● Experience Development projects typically include studies, research, workforce-related projects and large-scale experience development

● They also include sustainability-related projects (e.g. certifications, IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism attendance or research/feasibility studies)

● These projects most often involve procurement of a supplier (usually led by RTO7) and project management by RTO7 (working closely with the Partner)

● $1 partner funds are matched by $1 partnership funds to a combined maximum of $20,000 per project.  Example $10,000 leverages to $20,000

● Minimum $5,000 investment from the partner (can be a single tourism entity or a tourism group/DMO/tourism organization/municipality); maximum partner investment $10,000 (as outlined below, sustainability-related projects may have a much lower partner buy-in)

● As part of our focus on the sustainability of tourism, we are encouraging businesses and destinations to undertake sustainability certification.

  1. This must be done through a Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recognized organization. Third party certifications of an aspect of sustainability may be supported (to be reviewed on a case by case basis).

  2. The minimum partner contribution for this initiative is $400 

  3. RTO7 commits to covering a portion of the recurring annual costs associated with maintaining certification for the next 3 years

● Note for those proposing/undertaking planning/feasibility projects/exercises, sustainable tourism practices must be addressed in a meaningful manner within the plan/study

● A new eligible project within this stream is attendance at the IMPACT Travel & Tourism Conference in early May (2025 dates TBD) in Waterloo - 50% of ticket price only may be reimbursed upon receipt of a partner summary of learnings, insights, future action items as a result of attendance

● To ensure timely and constructive execution of the planning and actioning of the project. the Project Rep named below will act as the decision maker and liaison with RTO7 and  the selected consultant

● Once the project is approved, all communications regarding the project MUST be conducted in Basecamp (provided by RTO7)

The red asterisks below indicate required fields.

Senior Organization Rep

Note this is the individual with signing authority for the project and ultimate responsibility for the execution and completion of the project if approved. It is this individual that we would send the Agreement to for signature in DocuSign (with a copy to the day to day contact below).

Project Rep

Note this person will be the day-to-day decision maker for the project,  responsible for execution of the project and regular communications with RTO7 and agencies, and should have skills and experience in managing projects of a similar nature as well as available time to devote to the project

This should be 1/2 of the total project cost (including tax)

You will need to send RTO7 this amount in the form of EFT, e-transfer or cheque

The minimum partner contribution for this program is $5,000 ($400 for sustainability-related projects); the maximum is $10,000 (including tax)

This is the total cost of the project you are applying for including tax (with 1/2 paid by you; 1/2 paid by RTO7)

Below are target markets (geographic, segment and activity) that BruceGreySimcoe targets in our campaigns; please check off those that are relevant to your project.

Please review these considerations for appropriate targeting for YOUR offering

Note: If your asset or event is not targeted clearly at attracting tourists (i.e. people from over 40km away), you will need to justify why/how you are marketing it as a tourist attraction and detail local community partnerships such as overnight accommodation collaborations.

RTO7 Target Geographies

Please describe your project and its benefits/what success will look like upon completion of the project.

Provide baseline performance data against which the outcomes of the project will be evaluated (e.g. increase tourist spending, visitation, investment, sustainability, number of experiences in market, etc.)

If this is a workforce development project, please indicate which workforce the proposed project supports (e.g. one sector, one County, the region, etc.)

Please keep in mind that revenue generation by tourism operators and sustainability of tourism operations are of key importance and should therefore be reflected as appropriate in what you are proposing.

What do you see as the key activities and critical deadlines/milestones of the project? Keep in mind that we will conduct a procurement for a third party that will conduct the work required.

Please indicate how your organization will evaluate the success of the project.

Select at least 2 metrics that are appropriate for your project and that will help determine whether it met expectations.

Please confirm that the following are in place CURRENTLY in order to qualify for funding.

The following links outline some of the requirements you are agreeing to below:

Claim/update Your BruceGreySimcoe Website Listing

Sign up for RTO7 E-blasts

Destination Ontario's Intake Form

Claim/update Your Google My Business Listing

Sign up for/complete your free Typsy Training


How many times in the past 5 years has your organization received funding support from RTO7's Partnership or Implementation Programs?

Details can be found on the RTO7 Take the Pledge page

Demonstrating your pledge commitment may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

Details can be found on the RTO7 Employee Turnover Rate page

Collecting and reporting on your Employee Turnover Rate may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

Please complete the Region 7 Tourism Stakeholder Business Performance & Sustainability Survey

Completion of the above survey may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

RTO7 has created a toolkit to provide tourism stakeholders with resources and tools to share consistent “Visit Responsibly” messaging across the region. Our goal is to simplify the process of implementation for stakeholders, ultimately leading to a strong, consistent, and unified message in the region to the consumer.

Demonstrating your “Visit Responsibly” messaging may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

Please outline the ways in which the PROJECT you have proposed meets sustainability criteria - economic, social and/or environmental

Are you applying on behalf of your tourism members or tourism businesses within your catchment? (e.g. a DMO or BIA or municipality)

How many NEW partners are you collaborating with on this project? (i.e. your organization has not partnered with them in past)

What is the anticipated revenue generation potential of this project, and how does it create value for the local economy (e.g. through direct sales, partnerships with local businesses, or attracting high-yield visitors?)

Given your goals, what is the long-term growth potential of this project? Growth is an important part of sustainability, and can come from enhancing the value of your offerings, increasing visitor spend or optimizing operational efficiencies. See the Resource Guide for more suggestions regarding how to achieve long term growth.

Please let us know what areas of growth you're looking at in the next year:

High Medium Low No Growth Potential
Increasing revenues (from point-of-sale or ticketing systems tracking ticket sales, bookings, merchandise, services, etc.)
Increasing spend/visitor
Sustaining/growing the number of jobs
Increasing visitor numbers (in areas with capacity)
Increasing repeat visitation
Improving sentiment and consistency in online reviews/ratings and customer surveys
Balancing seasonality to achieve more consistent growth across seasons vs. limited to peak season
Increasing (positive) engagement on social media platforms (followers, likes, shares, etc.)
Increasing website traffic and online inquiries/bookings
Increase in volume and quality of media coverage (e.g. influencers, travel blogs, news outlets, etc.)
Monitoring recognition from industry organizations for best practices, etc.
Decreasing the impact of tourism on local ecosystems (resources, energy, waste, etc.)
Improving community engagement and benefits to the local community (including partnerships, cultural preservation or jobs)
Increasing visitor awareness of their role and responsibility in sustainability
Introduction (and performance) of new tourism products/experiences
Increasing collaborative offerings with local businesses

Is this project a new experience/offering or are there any new or revitalized elements to it, intended to attract new audiences or provide an enriched experience or otherwise enhanced to ensure continued vibrancy?

Check any of the boxes below that align with your ORGANIZATION'S strategic or aspirational goals (i.e. if you are pursuing or are interested in pursuing longer-term objectives such as those below, we want to recognize your efforts/intent)

Tech Compass is a limited-time offer of expert guidance to navigate and deploy tourism technology

The following links outline some of the requirements you are agreeing to below:

Eligible Sources of Funds

Partnership Program Guidelines

Please type your name below to confirm your acknowledgment and acceptance of the information provided