Social Media Advertising 2025/26 Application

RTO7’s offer of the Partnership Program for 2025/26 is contingent upon the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Gaming's approval of RTO7’s 2025/26 Business Plan.

If you are unfamiliar with the Partnership Program and applications, I highly recommend calling (Alex 705-441-2931 ( to first talk through your proposed project and/or completing the application, as the process is greatly simplified with some direct explanation prior to completion of the application. RTO7 reserves the right to limit the number of programs/funds that one stakeholder may receive per year.

Please review the Partnership Program Guidelines  for important background information before completing this application - once opened in Downloads, the links within the Guidelines should open in a new window in your browser when clicked on.

We highly recommend that you log into a Google account (directions in link) to access this form and know that your progress is automatically saved as a draft for 30 days so you can return to it. Please see our blog on why you should create a Google Account for your Business.

If you choose not to do this or to work offline, you will need to complete and submit the form all in one sitting and be sure to save a copy of your submitted application. If you choose not to log into a Google account, contact us to discuss how best to submit your application.

Note: We want to encourage stakeholders starting on a journey towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. Sustainability isn’t a requirement to get funding for 2025/26. However, projects that show they’re working to include or improve sustainable practices—using clear and measurable plans—may be prioritized in the application review process. The Partnership Program application process is competitive, and many people apply for the available funds. We welcome applications from all eligible businesses and organizations. No matter where you are in your sustainability efforts, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Social Media Advertising Collaboration Details

● This category of partnership (at a lower buy-in than digital advertising) ensures that collateral (video/photo) developed to date is being used effectively by stakeholders in paid social media promotions on Meta (Facebook and/or Instagram) to targeted markets (click for stats related to video advertising prevalence and effectiveness)

● Note that this form of advertising is particularly effective for consumers in the 'dreaming' phase of their travel journey. During this stage, potential travellers are exploring ideas and gathering inspiration for future trips. As a result, you can expect to see increased traffic to your website from this campaign; however, immediate conversions or bookings may not occur right away

● Through RTO7, you will work with the Aber Group (RTO7's advertising agency) who will develop a media plan and ad copy that suits your audience, messaging, etc. You will have final say on ad copy approval. Note however that the ad copy developed by the agency is often fairly straightforward - while it may seem counterintuitive, experience has repeatedly shown that this copy tends to perform better than clever, sizzling ad copy. If you have very specific branding/tone requirements, in some instances it may be easiest for you to contribute to the copywriting under the agency's direction. Once the copy is approved, the agency will then execute the media buy and optimize the campaign over the duration of the project.  Please note that while the Aber Group will be planning, placing and measuring/optimizing the results of your campaign (the media side), you will be responsible for:

  • designing your campaign i.e. you will already know the purpose or goal of your campaign, the graphic theme and messaging, etc. before applying for this partnership (this can be as simple as having a selection of good images and messages in  mind through to having full blown ‘ads’ developed by a creative agency that you are wanting to distribute through a mix of media platforms)

  • supplying the campaign creative - a selection of 5-10 current, high resolution images (min 1 MB) and/or at least one video, ideally in multiple formats/orientations (30 sec. max) - note that  Meta will optimize to the strongest performing creative.

  • Creative  may be video/imagery developed through RTO7's Video/Image Development Program or partner's own (approved) video/images

  • If using your own video/imagery:

    - Must be approved by RTO7 prior to application acceptance (see criteria for approval below)

    - Video(s) must have the BruceGreySimcoe and Ontario logos added to the video (at partner’s expense)

    - Partner must be willing to sign off that all models featured in the video have signed releases

● Once the project is approved, all communications regarding the project MUST be conducted in Basecamp (provided by RTO7)

● It is assumed that you have a fully functional website already (since you will be driving traffic to it with a social media advertising campaign) that:

  • is up to date, easy to navigate and reflects current offerings, hours  and contact information

  • displays properly on desktop and mobile devices (this is critical as over 80% of our target markets  are using  mobile  devices  to access your campaign)

  • is under your control for the purposes of updating content in a timely manner

  • Partners will need to have or develop a landing page consistent with what is portrayed in the video/imagery (e.g. an ice fishing video should direct traffic to an ice fishing landing page or at minimum a page outlining a variety of winter activities, of which ice fishing is one)

● $1 partner funds are matched by $1 partnership funds, e.g. if you contribute $1,750, you'll end up with a campaign of $3,500

● Partner minimum contribution is $1,750, to a maximum partner contribution of $7,500  (this includes agency fees* and taxes)

*Please note that the agency fee structure has been updated and may affect approved projects with several sub-campaigns launching simultaneously. Any potential additional management fees will be discussed and confirmed during the kick-off call with The Aber Group. That said, this change is not expected to impact most campaigns, and based on our experience, these fees are unlikely to exceed $1,000. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Alex before submitting your application.

● Campaigns at the minimum level buy-in will typically run 4 weeks

● You will have a call with The Aber Group at the outset of your project to discuss your desired objectives, target markets, campaign messaging, etc.

● Facebook and Instagram posts will be posted from the partners account (by Aber who you will need to provide access to) and copy, a call to action and a physical link will drive traffic to your website (which must be mobile friendly)

● Partners will be responsible for responding to comments generated as a result of the campaign every day

● It is possible to be funded for both a video/image development and social media advertising project (using the video/images developed) in one Partnership year; however, this requires SIGNIFICANT lead time to ensure the collateral is edited and ready in time for the campaign

● Note that program preparation will require at least five weeks lead time from your scheduled kick-off call with the agency to the launch of your campaign. Note that we will be setting firm partner deliverable deadlines with associated consequences (monetary or launch delay) for partners' missing deadlines

● There will be limited availability for campaigns during June through August, so if you're interested in this timeframe, get your application in as soon as possible to increase chances of booking your desired campaign timing

● Larger campaigns may be flighted or taken all at once

● To ensure timely and constructive execution of the planning and actioning of the campaign the Individual Responsible for Day-to-Day Execution named below will act as the decision maker and liaison with RTO7 and The Aber Group

Note: The Operational Implementation Program (OIP) offers social media advertising in exchange for a stakeholder investment in their operations – if you do not have cash to contribute, and are interested in a more modest campaign, you may wish to start by reviewing this program (you will need to choose between this program and OIP; participation in both is not permitted).

Video/Image Criteria

● Videos:

  • Ideally 30 seconds or less – in our  experience (and depending on content), the best performing creatives on Meta currently average 15 seconds

  • Longer than 15 seconds ideally have logos/call to action at the outset of the video

  • Have a Call to Action e.g. Visit to learn more

  • Are promotional in nature

  • Feature your dynamic, appealing tourism experiences/offerings in BruceGreySimcoe

  • Are high resolution, digital format

  • As appropriate, RTO7 encourages the use of a diversity of models, including those that self-identify as Indigenous, Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities, Women, 2SLGBTQ+

  • Are ideally designed for sound off, but delights with sound on (i.e. story is told visually, using captions, text and graphics where needed to help deliver message)

  • With activities depicted conforming to safety standards e.g. helmets, lifejackets, etc.

  • Have, or will add, the BruceGreySimcoe and the Ontario logos to the video (these may be at the end)

  • Will be posted to the BruceGreySimcoe website gallery

  • Video will be reviewed by RTO7 prior to any editing work being done, and (if approved), following the work being done

● Images:

  • Convey the appeal of a visit to your venue/activity and BruceGreySimcoe (e.g. convey emotions/expressions of excitement, wonder, awe, happiness, etc.)

  • As appropriate, RTO7 encourages the use of a diversity of models, including those that self-identify as Indigenous, Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities, Women, 2SLGBTQ+

  • Feature vibrant colours

  • Are directly relevant/themed to what you are promoting

  • Include 5-10 (600x600) really strong, high resolution, digital images per campaign (for Facebook Carousel ads)

  • Depict activities conforming with safety standards e.g. helmets, lifejackets, etc.

  • The final image (in a carousel) will be reserved for BruceGreySimcoe, Ontario and partner logos

The red asterisks below indicate required fields.

Senior Organization Rep

Note this is the individual with signing authority for the project and ultimate responsibility for the execution and completion of the project if approved. It is this individual that we would send the Agreement to for signature in DocuSign (with a copy to the day to day contact below).

Project Rep

Note this person will be the day-to-day decision maker for the project,  responsible for execution of the project and regular communications with RTO7 and agencies, and should have skills and experience in managing projects of a similar nature as well as available time to devote to the project

Please note that it takes a minimum of 5 weeks setup from project kick-off call to campaign launch (subject to change based on demand)
This should be 1/2 of the total project cost (including tax)
You will need to send RTO7 this amount in the form of EFT, e-transfer or cheque
The minimum partner contribution for this program is $750; the maximum is $7,500 (including tax)
This is the total cost of the project you are applying for including tax (with 1/2 paid by you; 1/2 paid by RTO7)

Please use the exact address as it appears on Facebook

To launch the campaign, you will need to allow The Aber Group to act as an advertiser on your page. In Facebook, only individuals with “full control” (not partial) will be able to accept or assign task access. 

To prevent delays in the campaign setup stage, please provide the name of the individual who has full control of the Facebook Page. Have an individual with Facebook access to the Page follow these steps:

  • Log into Facebook, then click your profile photo in the top right

  • Click see all profiles, then select the page you would like to switch into

  • Click your Page profile photo on the top left side to go onto your Facebook Page

  • On the left bar that now appears, click settings

  • From there, click Page  Set up and Page Access 

  • Under People with Facebook Access, click your profile to see your access levels. 

Page Owners will have profiles that say they have full control and will be able to accept access invitations.

Please take the time to check on this - If it turns out you do not have full control of the Facebook Page, it will greatly delay the campaign (until Meta sorts it out) or it will need to run through the BruceGreySimcoe platforms and you will be required to pay a $200 administrative fee.

Please use the exact address as it appears on Instagram  e.g. @brucegreysimcoe OR

Below are target markets (geographic, segment and activity) that BruceGreySimcoe targets in our campaigns; please check off those that you would like to target in your campaign.

Please review these considerations for appropriate targeting for YOUR offering

Note: If your asset or event is not targeted clearly at attracting tourists (i.e. people from over 40km away), you will need to justify why/how you are marketing it as a tourist attraction and detail local community partnerships such as overnight accommodation collaborations.

RTO7 Target Geographies

This could be an event, an attraction, an asset, a season, a destination, an activity, etc. And you could be promoting it to couples, families, young professionals, grandparents, age, gender, interests, etc.

Please keep in mind that although this is an awareness campaign, revenue generation by tourism operators is of key importance and should therefore be considered in what you are promoting to your target audience e.g. we are more likely to approve/promote activities that are associated with businesses that stand to benefit e.g. a tour guide, an outfitter, etc. than simply beautiful vistas or free hiking trails.

What is the specific message(s) that will be communicated through the digital campaign?

Key Activities, Milestones & Responsibilities

The following is an approximate sequence of events for the campaign you will be undertaking if approved:

  1. Project evaluation and approval – RTO7

  2. Project Agreement – RTO7 & Partner; logos on Partner website; Typsy training completed by partner

  3. Submit 50% share of project cost to RTO7  - Partner  

  4. Prepare kick-off call document provided (in preparation for call) - Partner

  5. 30 minute Kick-off conference call with The Aber Group to confirm project objectives, timelines, targets, messaging, etc. – RTO7, Partner & Aber

  6. Develop proposed media plan (for campaigns of $10,000+ all-in) - Aber

  7. Use ad spec sheet provided to develop collateral appropriate for campaign (if not already developed) and add to Basecamp - Partner

  8. Install Google Analytics (if required) and provide Aber access to Partner website - Partner

  9. Landing page URL ready – Partner

  10. Provide draft ad copy for review by partner/RTO7 – Aber

  11. Upon approval, launch campaign – Aber

  12. Optimizations (if required after 2 weeks of campaign monitoring) - Aber

  13. Mid-term project report (for campaigns of $5,000+ all-in)

  14. Brief email report to Partner following campaign summarizing impressions, clicks, CTR, CPC, recommendations - Aber

  15. Final reporting and analytics to RTO7 - Partner

Performance Metrics

Please indicate HOW or what indicator your organization will use to evaluate the success of this campaign. This will be the overriding metric we will use to optimize your campaign results.

Please also provide a baseline value and your expectations of this campaign below.

If you did a comparable campaign in the recent past, please provide a baseline value to which you’ll compare this campaign - typically data from the same period last year as the proposed campaign period this year.

We also want to know what your expectations are of the campaign this year (in equivalent units to the baseline data if provided above).

Please be sure to include your rationale for what you hope to achieve e.g. if you expect to increase a metric by X, what is that based on? (e.g. a significant budget increase, a modest annual increase based on prior project learnings and efficiencies, etc.) 

In addition to the metric identified above, if you would like to also measure conversions (i.e. downloads, bookings, sales, signups, etc.), then please provide:


a) The Metric You Will Measure (in what units)

b) Last Year Baseline Data for that Metric

c) Anticipated This Year

Keep in mind that conversions i.e. tickets sold, overnight bookings etc. can only be attributed to the campaign if you are selling tickets/rooms online. Note that (as depicted in the graphic below), this form of advertising is particularly effective for consumers in the 'dreaming' phase of their travel journey. During this stage, potential travellers are exploring ideas and gathering inspiration for future trips. As a result, you can expect to see increased traffic to your website from this campaign; however, immediate conversions or bookings may not occur right away

Metric #2

Please confirm that the following are in place CURRENTLY in order to qualify for funding.


Please confirm that the following are in place CURRENTLY in order to qualify for funding.

The following links outline some of the requirements you are agreeing to below:

Social Media Best Practices

Claim/update Your BruceGreySimcoe Website Listing

Sign up for RTO7 E-blasts

Destination Ontario's Intake Form

Claim/update Your Google My Business Listing

Sign up for/complete your free Typsy Training

The following links apply to some of the requirements you are agreeing to below:

Google Analytics Installation

How To Share Access to Your Analytics


How many times in the past 5 years has your organization received funding support from RTO7's Partnership or Implementation Programs?

Details can be found on the RTO7 Take the Pledge page

Demonstrating your pledge commitment may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

Details can be found on the RTO7 Employee Turnover Rate page

Collecting and reporting on your Employee Turnover Rate may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

Please complete the Region 7 Tourism Stakeholder Business Performance & Sustainability Survey

Completion of the above survey may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

RTO7 has created a toolkit to provide tourism stakeholders with resources and tools to share consistent “Visit Responsibly” messaging across the region. Our goal is to simplify the process of implementation for stakeholders, ultimately leading to a strong, consistent, and unified message in the region to the consumer.

Demonstrating your “Visit Responsibly” messaging may help strengthen your eligibility for participation in the 2026/27 programs

Please outline the ways in which the PROJECT you have proposed meets sustainability criteria - economic, social and/or environmental

Are you applying on behalf of your tourism members or tourism businesses within your catchment? (e.g. a DMO or BIA or municipality)

How many NEW partners are you collaborating with on this project? (i.e. your organization has not partnered with them in past)

What is the anticipated revenue generation potential of this project, and how does it create value for the local economy (e.g. through direct sales, partnerships with local businesses, or attracting high-yield visitors?)

Given your goals, what is the long-term growth potential of this project? Growth is an important part of sustainability, and can come from enhancing the value of your offerings, increasing visitor spend or optimizing operational efficiencies. See the Resource Guide for more suggestions regarding how to achieve long term growth.

Please let us know what areas of growth you're looking at in the next year:

High Medium Low No Growth Potential
Increasing revenues (from point-of-sale or ticketing systems tracking ticket sales, bookings, merchandise, services, etc.)
Increasing spend/visitor
Sustaining/growing the number of jobs
Increasing visitor numbers (in areas with capacity)
Increasing repeat visitation
Improving sentiment and consistency in online reviews/ratings and customer surveys
Balancing seasonality to achieve more consistent growth across seasons vs. limited to peak season
Increasing (positive) engagement on social media platforms (followers, likes, shares, etc.)
Increasing website traffic and online inquiries/bookings
Increase in volume and quality of media coverage (e.g. influencers, travel blogs, news outlets, etc.)
Monitoring recognition from industry organizations for best practices, etc.
Decreasing the impact of tourism on local ecosystems (resources, energy, waste, etc.)
Improving community engagement and benefits to the local community (including partnerships, cultural preservation or jobs)
Increasing visitor awareness of their role and responsibility in sustainability
Introduction (and performance) of new tourism products/experiences
Increasing collaborative offerings with local businesses

Is this project a new experience/offering or are there any new or revitalized elements to it, intended to attract new audiences or provide an enriched experience or otherwise enhanced to ensure continued vibrancy?

Check any of the boxes below that align with your ORGANIZATION'S strategic or aspirational goals (i.e. if you are pursuing or are interested in pursuing longer-term objectives such as those below, we want to recognize your efforts/intent)

Tech Compass is a limited-time offer of expert guidance to navigate and deploy tourism technology

The following links outline some of the requirements you are agreeing to below:

Eligible Sources of Funds

Partnership Program Guidelines

Please type your name below to confirm your acknowledgment and acceptance of the information provided