Absence Form (Years 7-13) 2024-2025

Please complete this brief form every day your daughter/son is absent from school.  Please send it by 8am. You do not need to phone school in addition to this.***New for 2024-2025***We are very keen for all students to attend school whenever possible.  If your daughter/son is feeling a bit **'under the weather'** but could cope in school, please email her/his Head of Year or Student Support Manager to advise, and request an 'under the weather' sticker so that she/he can sit quietly in the lesson and not necessarily be an 'active' learner for the day, but not miss out.  Thank you for your support. Please note, for any **appointments**, eg medical, an appointment card (or confirmation email/text) giving the date, time and length of the appointment and address of the surgery etc is needed, in order to consider authorisation.
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