How to add date validations in google forms?
Google Forms does not support response validations for date questions. The workaround is to add a short answer question with the required response validations and add the calculations in Formfacade.
How to allow users to submit only if it is 7 days in advance?
Let's take the example of leave request form. Employees must submit their leave requests 7 days in advance. Since Google Forms does not have the option to add response validations for date questions, we cannot implement this in native Google Forms. Please follow the instructions below to implement the workaround using Formfacade.
Step 1: Add a short answer question in Google Forms.
Step 2: Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation. Add a regular expression matches pattern validation. The acceptable answer for this question is "Yes". Otherwise, it will show a custom error message "All leave requests must be submitted 7 days in advance".
Step 3: Click on the Addon icon > Select Formfacade > Select Customize this form > Click on the Proceed button.
In the Formfacade customize interface, click on the ⚙️icon next to the short answer question for date validation.
Step 4: Field settings screen will be displayed. Select the "Answer" tab and write the formula to validate the date and set the value for the short answer question for meets prior notice policy?
Using IFS condition to set the valid response
IFS function evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value that corresponds to the first true condition. We will use the IFS function to check if the leave request date is 7 days in advance and set the answer as "Yes" if true. Otherwise, set the answer as "No".
Note: To enter leave_from, type @ in the calculate option and select the leave from date question from the list.
Step 5: Write the above IFS formula in the Calculate option as shown below.