The Motivated Goddess program is the missing link to your success.
Goal setting is a powerful tool for imagining your ideal future, and motivating yourself to achieve it.
By setting goals, you can decide where you want to go in life. When you know exactly what you want to accomplish, you can concentrate your efforts accordingly. Additionally, you'll quickly recognize distractions that can lead you astray.
Having clear, measurable goals enables you to take pride in your success, Allowing you to make progress in what might otherwise seem like a pointless endeavor. As you recognize your own abilities and competence, you will also gain self-confidence.
The goal of this program is to explore and resolve ambivalence while focusing on the motivational processes that can facilitate change. As opposed to more "coercive" or externally driven methods of motivating change, The Motivated Goddess Program does not impose changes inconsistent with your own values, beliefs or wishes, but rather supports you in a way that matches your own values and concerns.