Hani Honey - Saw Palmetto - Stuart, FL Main Image

Hani Honey - Saw Palmetto - Stuart, FL

Product information


This is the best LOCAL FLORIDA Honey. Honey for taste AND for allergies.

Saw Palmetto is a special plant that is native to the South Eastern United States. It grows densely in South Florida, and provides pollinators with an ample late spring nectar flow. Beekeepers have long described this honey as extremely healthful, containing minerals, enzymes, and anti-microbial compounds unique to the plant species. We also love it’s warm caramel-y delicious flavor.

It is a favorite in our daily cup of coffee or other morning staples, like yogurt and smoothies. We couldn’t imagine a world with out it! It’s that special. With increased development, deforestation, and the length of time to maturity (palms grow slow), we need to be mindful of it’s importance, and work to protect this invaluable nectar source. It grows in areas that are very typically untreated with pesticides, as it is not a forced crop, which makes it that much more awesome. It’s a Hani Honey Company Favorite! Can you tell?

Tasting Notes: Caramel/Malt, Spice, Medium Sweet
Characteristics: Medium Aroma, Flavor, and Color
Region/Source: South Florida, US
Harvested: May 2020

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