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Native Plants Order Form

Support our organization and the environment by pre-ordering native plants for our Spring 2023 plant sale.

All plugs are sold in bundles of either 4 or 5 plugs to the bundle depending on the plug size.

  • Our 32-count plugs have 4 plants to a bundle; each plug is 2 ¼” x 2 ¼” across by 4” deep.

  • Our 50-count deep plugs have 5 plants to a bundle; each plug is 2” x 2” across, and 5” deep.

All orders must be placed by XX date.

Pick up will be on XX date at YY location.


5 plug bundle

Light Requirements

part-sun, part-shade, shade

Soil Moisture

dry, moist

Sedum ternatum forms an attractive low-growing ground cover of whorled, green, succulent leaves. When in bloom, the abundant, attractive, fragrant, white star-shaped flowers seem to be sprinkled upon the colony.

More info here

Sedum ternatum 'Larinem Park' (woodland stonecrop cultivar)

4 plug bundle

Light Requirements

part-shade, shade

Soil Moisture


The northern maidenhair is a delicately-textured, extremely attractive fern. Reaching only about 20" in height, it will form graceful clumps of radiating foliage floating atop black stems that are so thin that they all but disappear against the background.

More info here

Adiantum pedatum (northern maidenhair fern)

4 plug bundles

Light Requirements

part-shade, shade

Soil Moisture

moist, wet

Stylophorum diphyllum is an attractive native poppy. It produces large yellow flowers that may be tinged with orange. These appear singly or in small clusters atop hairy stems to a height of 2 feet. The deeply divided, blue-green foliage will provide an interesting texture to the garden.

More info here

Stylophorum diphyllum (celandine poppy)

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