\r\n ","messageMD":"Thank you for your support!","messageMark":"

Thank you for your support!

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BraeBear Hugz Order Form

This order form is to sponsor a child at your local Children's Hospitals'. All proceeds go to both non-profit and children's charity organizations. Bears will be shipped based on quantity filled and you will be notified by email when your batch of bears go out and to what hospital. BraeBear Hugz can only be purchase through the NonProfit Group and it's sponsors and participants. Thank you in advance for your continued support! Each BraeBear Hugz is $50.00 and sponsors a child at Children's Hospitals around the Nation. Good News! We can take your personal orders for a BraeBear Hugz in addition to you sponsoring a child. Our goal is to help a child feel like they have a friend and a hug while undergoing medical treatment around the world. Watch their journey as we post pictures at thenonprofitgrp.com